directory is the root of the directory structure on disk that Jenkins uses to perform builds and keep archives.
The Jenkins home directory is listed in Manage Jenkins > System under the Home directory heading.
On Windows by default, this is set to C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins
On Ubuntu by default, this is set to ~/.jenkins
But you can change this in one of the following ways:
You can change this location after you’ve used Jenkins for a while, too.
To do this:
Stop Jenkins completely.
Move the contents from the old JENKINS_HOME
to the new location.
variable to the new location.
Restart Jenkins.
The directory structure of the JENKINS_HOME
tree is often structured as follows:
+- builds (build records)
+- [BUILD_ID] (subdirectory for each build)
+- build.xml (build result summary)
+- changelog.xml (change log)
+- config.xml (Jenkins root configuration file)
+- *.xml (other site-wide configuration files)
+- fingerprints (stores fingerprint records, if any)
+- identity.key.enc (RSA key pair that identifies an instance)
+- jobs (root directory for all Jenkins jobs)
+- [JOBNAME] (sub directory for each job)
+- config.xml (job configuration file)
+- [FOLDERNAME] (sub directory for each folder)
+- config.xml (folder configuration file)
+- jobs (subdirectory for all nested jobs)
+- plugins (root directory for all Jenkins plugins)
+- [PLUGIN] (sub directory for each plugin)
+- [PLUGIN].jpi (.jpi or .hpi file for the plugin)
+- secret.key (deprecated key used for some plugins' secure operations)
+- secret.key.not-so-secret (used for validating _$JENKINS_HOME_ creation date)
+- secrets (root directory for the secret+key for credential decryption)
+- hudson.util.Secret (used for encrypting some Jenkins data)
+- master.key (used for encrypting the hudson.util.Secret key)
+- InstanceIdentity.KEY (used to identity this instance)
+- userContent (files served under your https://server/userContent/)
+- workspace (working directory for the version control system)