Charles Lowell
Yesterday, Kohsuke announced that the 'jruby' branch of jenkins-core had been merged to master. This doesn’t mean that we’re done and that you can go forth and write pure ruby plugins… not by any stretch of the imagination. Instead, what it does mean, is that the Jenkins mainline is much more friendly to runtime analysis of classes with which it is...
You know that the night is going to be productive whenever @kohsukekawa shows up, and last night was no exception. We talked about problems on the horizon, potential solutions, and then I spent the last half hour ripping a bit of code. The truth of the matter is that most of the changes that have to be done to Jenkins core...
After a one week hiatus, we returned to the weekly hack session on a mission light up the sky with fire! Attendees Charles Lowell, Rasheed Abdul-Aziz, Hiroshi Nakamura Discussion/Accomplished How to manage the different ScriptingContainers inside the Jenkins renamed the experimental repo where we’ve been doing all of our development from fog.hpi to the more aptly name [] started a separate gem for housing the support...
[Editor’s Note: For the past few weeks Jenkins community member Charles Lowell has been working with Kohsuke on adding support for building plugins in Ruby. As part of this effort, Charles has been hosting weekly hack sessions via WebEx] As always, last night’s Ruby Plugins hack session was a pleasure. Below is a quick notation of what items were discussed and/or...