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Linux containers rebuilt

Mark Waite
Mark Waite
August 22, 2023

A Jenkins job mistakenly rebuilt the Linux container images for recent Jenkins weekly releases and recent Jenkins LTS releases. Users that downloaded some of those Linux container images received container images that could not run the Jenkins controller. The incorrect container images would fail to run with the message that Jenkins is not supported with Java 8.

Running with Java 8 from /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre,
which is older than the minimum required version (Java 11).
Supported Java versions are: [11, 17, 21]

Corrected Linux container images

The Linux container images for Jenkins 2.419, 2.401.1, 2.401.2, and 2.401.3 have been rebuilt August 21, 2023.

Container images for Jenkins agents are not affected.

More details are available in the original issue report.

About the authors

Mark Waite

Mark Waite

Mark is a member of the Jenkins governing board, a long-time Jenkins user and contributor, a core maintainer, and maintainer of the git plugin, the git client plugin, the platform labeler plugin, the embeddable build status plugin, and several others. He is one of the authors of the "Improve a plugin" tutorial.



Damien is the Jenkins Infrastructure officer and a software engineer at CloudBees working as a Site Reliability Engineer for the Jenkins Infrastructure project. Not only he is a decade-old Hudson/Jenkins user but also an open-source citizen who participates in Updatecli, Asciidoctor, Traefik and many others.