Jenkins Sao Paulo Meetup this weekend
I’m going to visit Sao Paulo once again this weekend to attend the second annual Jenkins users meet-up. It’s a whole day free event Saturday full of Jenkins goodness.
You’ll hear from a number of active Jenkins folks, and I’ll be presenting about what CloudBees (where I currently work) has contributed to the Jenkins project, including recent new OSS plugins and some services. I’m also stuffing my suitcase with lots of giveaways, including Jenkins stickers and popular Jenkins bobble heads. I don’t intend to bring anything back to the U.S.
The morning half of the event is a cross-atlantic hackathon between Brazil and Copenhagen. you can check what’s being planned on the western side of the ocean and the eastern side of the ocean. The afternoon half is a series of presentations. Please come join us. I’m really looking forward to seeing you!
I’ll be in Sao Paulo for the whole Sunday and Monday as well. If you are interested in talking to me, please feel free to drop me a note.